These two love birds utilized local mountains to set the scene for their engagements with Kylee Olivia Photography and they also shared their pretty darn adorable love story + proposal with us!
I met Mike on the very first day of school! My sweet sister Brooke was on an LDS mission at the time and had emailed one of her friends to bring me ice cream as some sort of reward for finishing my first day of college. She was friends with Mike and asked him to come with her to bring her friend’s little sis some ice cream! When Brooke’s friend told me she was coming with “Mikey” I just assumed he was her boyfriend, so I didn’t bother to change out of my running shorts and knee high wool socks (what was I thinking?). He says this is why he instantly liked me. I went the entire night thinking they were dating. It wasn’t until the next day that Mike texted me and asked if I wanted to go to Idaho Falls with him and Brooke’s friend didn’t join that I realized they might just be friends. When he told me they weren’t dating it was like a light switch flipped in me. I swear I have never been more determined about anything than I was to make him mine! And when he serenaded me in his cute little pickup truck I couldn’t help myself but to dedicate my whole self into making him want to date me too. I have no shame when I admit that I dropped one of my prerequisite classes to add Spanish so I could ask for his help. My determination obviously worked.
Fast forward about a year, and we’re doing summer sales in Houston, Texas. I still don’t know how that happened haha! I guess he had this elaborate plan of attaching a cheap, fake ring to a fishing hook and making me reel in the line. (If you know Mike, you know he lives and breathes to fish.) His cute little plan didn’t work though because we were literally chased out of Houston by Hurricane Harvey! We were so lucky! He got so antsy that he couldn’t wait for another fishing opportunity and decided to propose in Dallas, Texas in front of the Dallas temple. He asked me to count these lines on the temple corner and there were so many that I was like “Do you seriously want me to do that”. And we were holding hands, so now his hand started to shake and I could tell he was trying to get something out of his pocket and I couldn’t say a word; I was so surprised!! He said some corny but super cute thing like “No you don’t have to count it. Like how you won’t have to count the years that we’ll be together…” and I straight started sobbing. So corny but so perfect haha! I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life (and then some) with my perfect fiancé!!!

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